Money is a medium of exchange used to purchase goods and services. It is typically in the form of paper or metal currency, such as coins and bills, but can also include digital forms like bank transfers or credit card transactions.

Becoming rich typically involves earning a high income, saving and investing a significant portion of that income, and being financially savvy. Here are a few things that can help you become rich:

Get a good education: Having a college degree or specialized skills can help you get a higher paying job.

Live below your means: By spending less than you earn, you can save and invest more money.

Invest wisely: Investing your money in assets such as stocks, real estate, or a small business can help it grow over time.

Start your own business: Starting a business can be risky but it can also provide a high return on investment if successful.

Networking: Building a professional network can help you find new opportunities and contacts that can help you grow your wealth.

Be disciplined: It takes discipline to save and invest money, to budget, and to make smart financial decisions.

Be patient: Building wealth takes time, it is not a overnight process, so be patient and stay focus on your goals.

Be open to new opportunities: Be open to new opportunities and willing to take risks when appropriate, such as investing in a new business or industry.

It's worth noting that becoming rich is not the only way to measure success, and that it's possible to live a fulfilling and happy life without being rich.